Please read each of the following rules carefully, as failure to comply with any rule may result in warnings, suspensions, or bans.

The Golden Rules
1) You must be on TeamSpeak while gaming. You do not need to be an active participant on TeamSpeak if you do not wish to be. However, you must be logged on.

2) Treat others as you would like to be treated.

3) Members are not permitted to belong to another gaming community in the game in which they were recruited. Example: If they were recruited into Clan LAG under World of Warcraft, they cannot belong to another World of Warcraft Guild etc... This is a conflict of interest and does not add to the credibility or loyalty of our Members. Violations of this rule will result in said Member being removed from our community.

Do not accept gear from a Member or an Administrator with the intention of selling or trading that item. If you no longer need the item, then pay it forward by giving it to another Member. Failure to do so will likely result in warnings, possible bans, and the loss of respect of your Co-Members.

Do not beg for anything, such as gear, a spot on the Administration Staff, etc.

-Impersonating Others
Stealing another person?s identity is not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, saying you are another Member or creating an account or character name similar to that of another Member. This also includes posting as another Member or Administrator.

-Hacking Accounts
Phishing, hacking, or scamming another person?s account is strictly forbidden. If you are found using even a small virus or hack against another Member, website, or clan you will be permanently banned.

If you intentionally steal anything from any Member or from this Clan, you will, at a minimum, be permanently banned. Theft is defined as something that is removed from ones possession that is not yours or you do not have permission to posses.

Clan LAG does not approve of the use of third-party software which the developer of a game frowns upon. This includes map-hacks, flood bots, D2 run bots, and channel bots.

Signatures and avatars are limited to no more than two at one time. They can be whatever you like as long as they do not violate these rules and fit in the size allocated. Contact an Administrator if you have any questions about content or dimensions. The max allowable size for an avatar on the forum is 300x300. Avatars must not depict anything sexual, anything with illegal drug usages or substance abuse, and must not contain any foul language, racism, or offensive behavior. Failure to comply with this will result in your Avatar being removed or you being removed from this Guild.

Flaming will not be tolerated. This ranges from petty name calling to full on abuse, which ranges from general rudeness to outright threats. All people involved will be punished. If you feel you have been treated poorly, then simply tell an Administrator and direct attention will be given to the matter.

Discrimination of any kind which is directed toward anyone will not be tolerated. Treat others as you would like to be treated or you could be banned. Protected Status Include: Race, Religion, Sex, Creed, Nationality, Sexual Orientation, Occupation, Medical Disabilities, and Kin.

The Administration Staff is equal to all Members. Please do not use an Administrator in defense of your position or as a witness. That can put an Administrator in a difficult position, and will not add to your credibility. Also, the Administrators must follow these rules. If you witness them breaking the rules, please let Jason or a Director know.

Spamming (Flooding) in Teamspeak or the forum is strictly prohibited. In other words, don't flood Teamspeak or the forums with many copies of the same message in an attempt to force the message on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it.

-Adult Material / Obscene Material
Do not post any form of pornography or any image of genitalia. There are young Members in this clan, so respect their innocence. Printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity with the intention of displaying sexual acts will not be tolerated. Posting of animal on animal or animal on human sexual acts will also not be tolerated. Postings of substance abuse including but not limited to pictures, texts, videos, blogs, Facebook pages or any other media depicting substance abuse will not be tolerated. Please keep the material clean and safe for Members of all ages.

-Ripping Content
Ripping or Plagiarizing content from other Members, websites, or any copy written material is not allowed. If you post this content, it will be deleted and possible disciplinary action will be taken.

-Backseat Moderating
Do not moderate your own or another Member's dispute. Do not post any content stating policy. Instead, contact an Administrator with any disputes, and post ideas rather than policies. Any post in violation of this rule will be removed and there could be possible disciplinary action taken.

This is, basically, harassing other players and can be done in multiple ways. Do not feed the trolls or become one. This can result in a loss of respect, as Members often do not appreciate the content that trolls represent. This can also result in discipline up to and including a ban. Trolling is a form of bullying and will not be tolerated. A Troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

-Intoxication or Use of Illegal Substances
Members of Clan LAG are not permitted to be logged in to Teamspeak or using any Clan LAG voice chat while under the influence of ANY substance not prescribed by a doctor. This includes but is not limited too: Alcohol, Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Narcotics(unless with prescription) any other Illegal Substance. Failure to comply with this rule may result in disciplinary action up to and including a ban.